Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Rowland Family

The Rowland Family

The Rowland family was founded by Marcel, 67, and Xerxes Rowland, 67. They moved to Dieudonné with their children Amelia, 49, Sebastian, 44, Kacper, and Yekaterina, 37. 

Sebastian, Amelia, Alan, Yekaterina, Marcel, Perdita, Xerxes, Brooke, Arsenio, Samira.

Sadly, Kacper died in  a brush fire shortly after moving into his own place with his young wife Ariadne Soloman. After they moved to town Marcel and Xerxes adopted Arsenio, 23, Samira, 23, Athena, Brooke, 21, Alan, and had Perdita, 14. Athena and Samira were adopted from the Pitre family. Sadly, Athena died while away at University.

Leandro, Aleksandra, Mikhail, Amelia, Alaric.
 Amelia married Leandro Soloman, 50. They have Mikhail, 21, and Aleksandra and Alaric, 9. Aleksandra and Alaric were born after Leandro was abducted.

Sebastian, Napoleon, Antigone.

 Sebastian married Antigone Soloman, 37. They have one son, Napoleon, 7, and are expecting their second.

Yekaterina, Eva, Calliope.

 Yekaterina married Calliope Pitre. They have one daughter, Eva, 6.

Alaric, Napoleon, Mikhail, Eva, Aleksandra.

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