The Albright family was founded by Corbin Albright. He moved to Dieudonné with his son, Vaughn, 67, Vaughn's husband, Jules, 67, and Jules' father, Leo. As well as Jules and Vaughn's children Nico, 51, Juliana, 37, and Eleni.
Brady, Devin, Quinn, Aspen, Marylena, Sawyer, Vaughn. |
Shortly after moving to Dieudonné, Corbin married a local named Marylena, 67. They moved into their own place as Vaughn was uncomfortable with his step-mother being his age and proceeded to have four more sons, Devin, 37, Sawyer, 27, Quinn, 23, and Brady, 22.
back row: Devin, Brady, Quinn, Sawyer. Middle: Rachel, Aspen, Marylena, Lucasta. Front: Daria, Jane, Malcolm. |
After Corbin's death, Marylena had a brief fling with another local, Stephan Gothier. A daughter, Aspen, 13 was conceived. She is currently the only child left at home, all of her brothers are either in college (Brady) or starting their own families (Devin, Sawyer, and soon to be Quinn). Quinn recently graduated from University.
Rahel, Devin, Daria. |
Devin, Marylena and Corbin's oldest, married Rachel Brindley, 37. They have one daughter, Daria, 9.
Back: Lucasta, Sawyer. Front: Malcolm, Jane. |
Sawyer lives with his girlfriend, Lucasta Olmstead, 27 , and her two children, Jane and Malcolm, 8, in her parents' house to help them pay bills.
Phineas holding Francesco, Aurelia holding Roberto, Nico, Liesel, Timoteo, Jules, Fae, Hope, Vaughn, Juliana, Giulio, Margareta, Troy holding Valentina, Isolde. |
During this time, Jules and Vaughn also had more children, twins Phineas and Aurelia, 19, who are still teenagers living at home.
Liesel, Nico, Timoteo, Isolde, Fae. |
Nico was abducted and had Isolde, 23, as a result. Later, he married Liesel McCarney, 51. Shortly after their wedding he was abducted again and had Fae, 19. Finally, the two had a chance to have a child together and Timoteo, 9, was the result.
Hope, Isolde. |
Isolde had Hope, 7, with Reuben O'Sullivan.
Juliana, Margareta, Giulio. |
Juliana married Margareta Olmstead, 37, and together they have Giulio, 9. He was named after Juliana and Jules.
Francesco, Valentina, Troy, Roberto. |
Eleni married Troy, 30, fresh out of college. They had three children, Francesco and Roberto, 2, and Valentina, 6 months, before she died in a tragic car accident. Troy and the children are always included as part of the family, even though Eleni is no longer with them.
Malcolm, Daria, Jane. |
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